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Welcome to my new Blog! I am a licensed Marriage Family Therapist, and Registered Play Therapist located in Carlsbad California.
For more information about me and my therapy practice, please see her website at

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Recognizing the Stages of Anger

It's uncommon for people to deny that they have any feelings of anger until it escalates to a explosion.  Once anger begins to  intensify, this feeling may be carried over into your communication with others.  When this happens, people do not listen to what you're saying.  Start paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling, and to the physical changes you experience when you're angry.  It would be expected that the more intense the feeling of anger, the more intense the emotion and physical response associated with it will be.  It's important to increase your awareness for anger, so that it can be expressed at an earlier stage with less intensity.  This will also decrease the impact on you physically. 

The following is a list for you to look over of first feelings that can lead to a progressively intense level o anger, and the second list is of physical responses to anger:

Feelings that lead to a progressively intense level of Anger:
1. Uneasy
2. Uncomfortable
3. Withdrawn
4. Irritated
5. Agitated
6. Annoyed
7. Upset
8. Mad
9. Angry
10. Furious
11. Rageful

Physical Responses to Anger:
1. Headache
2. Muscle tension
3. Clenched Fists
4. Changes in Breathing
5. Upset Stomach
6. Tight Stomach
7. Sleep Disturbance
8. Screaming
9. Hitting / Breaking Things

Remember to clarify your needs, thoughts, and feelings, and this will  help you start recognizing and being more aware of your anger triggers.  Recognizing - and avoiding - these triggers will help you remain less distressed emotionally and physically.

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